1) TRIADA is PvE guild
2) All guildmembers must be friendly and respect each other.
3) Ranks in TRIADA:
GM (Guild Master)
Officer (gather raids, invite ppl in guild, can give stuff from bank to guildmembers)
TriadaMember (Triada Member almost all ppl at this rank)
New/Alt/Twink (GM or Officer give that rank to new mates in guild or to alt/twink)
4) Only 1 character at rank "TriadaMember" per 1 mate can exist in TRIADA. All other character will be "New/Alt/Twink" even if they are 70 lvl
5) Special rank "Mute" gives to member by GM or Officer if member show agression in Guild Chat, dont respect other members, use foul language (fu**k, d**k and other dirty words), etc. This rank gives for few minutes-hours to let member thinck about his behaviour.
6) Dont discuss politic in Guild Chat.
7) If you want to sell something in guild - dont do it we help each other and make enchant/craft/etc free for guildmates if those guildmates give you mats for this enchant/craft/etc.
8) All 70th lvl players have to deposite 50g to GuildBank every week if he|she were online more then 3 days that week. Week - from Wednesday to Wednesday (by reset of almost all raid instances). If someone needs gold for something, please write on forum or in game. GM or Officer will give you gold if you propose something usefull for guild (example - buy rare recipes for enchanting/stuff/resistancegear for raids).
9) All raiders must know and fulfil raid rules (below)
10) Rules may be changed only by GM and GM must give notice on forum and/or Guild Chat in few days before changes comes into effect.
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Поделиться12008-08-13 03:09:11
Поделиться22008-08-14 04:24:54
Raid rules
Wednesday - 19-30 by server (Kara raids only in Wednesday/Thuesday)
Thuesday continue raid if its necessary and members want to continue
Saturday - 19-00 by server (25ppl)
Sunday continue raid if its necessary and members want to continue
Tuesday - 19-30 by server (25ppl)
All must use Voicechat in raids.
Making raids
1. All guildmates must use raid addons (see section Raid Addons below) if they want to join raids.
2. Everyone can be replaced if he disconneted/afk without worning for more than 5-10 minutes.
3. GM/Officer/TriadaMember register raid in Groupcalendar. Also raid can be making up without groupcalendar in nonraiddays if there are enough ppl for raid.
1. TRIADA use Masterloot in guildraids.
2. Firstly we gearing up Healers and Tanks then dps.
3. Masterlooter can forbid to roll guildmates on loot if those guildmates taking 2 and more items in this raid and other guildmate who want to roll takes 0 item.
4. Firstly we gearing mainspeck. Only if noone need item for mainspeck you can roll for your fun-speck
5. All nonlooted BoE(Bind on Equip)-items must be put into the Guildbank.
6. All nonrolled items (and not BoE) will be disenchanted and shards/crystalls put into the Guildbank.
Raid Addons
1. Check all downloaded addons with antivirus
2. GroupCalendar version 2.4.2 and higher … endar.html - you can download here
Addon settings - Open addon by clicking on circle clocks near minimap. section "Setup". Choose settings - "Manual". Mark "Use guild data channel". Choose minimal guildrank - "New/Alt/Twink". Wait 2 minutes. All raids will appear in calendar.
3. DeadlyBossMods Or BigWigs … sMods.html
or … smods.html
4. Omen … Meter.html
1. GM or Officer can give notice of imposing a gold-fine on raidmember if he will make mistake in raid on pack/boss (as exapmle ninjapull, running under Flame Wrath in Kara, etc.)
2. Guildmember pay a fine only by depositing gold in the GuildBank.